The Graduate Student Congress (GSC) provides awards to University of Kentucky graduate and professional students to attend conferences, conduct research and engage in professional development. We do not place specific restrictions on the types of research, conferences, or professional development that we will fund. Successful applicants should be able to make a strong case for how their proposed research, conference, or professional development will contribute to their personal and professional growth. Due to the competitive nature of the awards, and our desire to fund as many students as possible, applicants are only eligible for funding once for each type of award per academic year.
Reimbursement Policy - All receipts must be submitted to the appropriate SOA administrative staff member within 30 calendar days of the approved funding. If receipts are not turned in within the 30-day window, the funding will be forfeited. Students and groups may submit a funding application prior to making any purchases. If a student or group is selected for funding, receipts will be required before disbursement of funds.
Any questions please contact GSC Awards chair Mounica Talasila.