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If you encounter difficulties with the application, please connect with the Awards Committee Chair Mounica Talasila

Conference Award

Please complete the Conference Award Application here. 

Range of Support 

          Awards are contingent upon the availability of funds and the number of applications received. As of the 2024 – 2025 fiscal/academic year, the GSC will award up to a maximum of $400 per applicant, even though the cost of attending the conference may exceed that amount. Students are highly encouraged to provide detailed explanations for the amount requested and demonstrate efforts to find the cheapest alternative (e.g., room sharing, carpooling, etc.). The GSC Conference Award is not a guaranteed source of funding. Conference Award winners are not guaranteed to receive funding before their conference begins. We encourage students to submit the required application materials by the earliest eligible Conference Award deadline. 


  • The applicant must be enrolled as a student in a graduate or professional degree program at the University of Kentucky (i.e., must pay student service fees) and be in good academic standing.

  • The applicant must have a GSC Representative “In Good Standing” as of the application deadline.

  • Conference attendance must be completed before graduation: If your conference has already taken place at the time that your application is due, you must still submit a budget report along with your application. For instance, if you apply during the March round and your conference took place in February, you must submit your budget report along with your application.

  • Applicants are eligible to receive one (1) GSC award per academic/fiscal year; the fiscal year begins on July 1 *. To implement the 'one award per year' policy, all awards are treated as given on the application deadline. A student may apply as many times as desired per year until they win an award, if they follow all necessary guidelines. Applicants may reuse previous application content, but revisions are encouraged.

  • Group applications are not allowed. If several students are attending the same event, each student must apply separately for funding, and each student must be responsible for creating their own application.

*The GSC observes a standard fiscal year that runs from July 1 to the following June 30. Conference Award recipients must claim reimbursement during the same fiscal year the award was received. Therefore, students attending conferences between July 1 and the start of the fall semester should wait to apply for conference funds until the Fall semester after they return.  

Reimbursement Policy - All receipts must be submitted to the appropriate SOA administrative staff member within 30 calendar days of the approved funding. If receipts are not turned in within the 30-day window, the funding will be forfeited. Students and groups may submit a funding application prior to making any purchases. If a student or group is selected for funding, receipts will be required before disbursement of funds.

Conference Funding Evaluation Criteria and Process 

          For more information regarding the criteria used by the Awards Committee to evaluate the conference award applications, please refer to the Conference Awards Evaluation Rubric

Conference Award Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Q: Is there a limit to the number of awards a student can receive? 

A: Applicants can only win one of each type of award per academic year. We try to award funding to as many different individuals as possible. 

Q: I have been granted a Conference Award. How will I receive my award? 

A: Awards will be dispersed by the University of Kentucky’s Accounts Payable via check. Please allow time for processing all the paperwork before inquiring about your award. Reimbursements should be expected in the mail within 60 to 90 days. 

Graduate and Professional Student Organization (GPSO) Funding

The GSC GPSO funding program is designed to empower GPSOs by providing a level of fiscal autonomy to those communities. It is intended to allow GPSOs to directly and positively impact their local communities and respond to the immediate communal needs of their memberships.  

Applications must be submitted by their GSC representative. The application can be found here

Reimbursement Policy - All receipts must be submitted to the appropriate SOA administrative staff member within 30 calendar days of the approved funding. If receipts are not turned in within the 30-day window, the funding will be forfeited. Students and groups may submit a funding application prior to making any purchases. If a student or group is selected for funding, receipts will be required before disbursement of funds.